Contoh Program C++ Mencari Nilai Maksimum dan Minimum

Selamat [], Terimakasih buat kunjungan Anda. Hari ini saya akan Posting Program C++ tentang Mencari Nilai Maksimum dan Minimum.

Baiklah langsung saja ke Program:

# include <stdio.h>
# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>

void data ()
       char nama[30], namaMax[30], namaMin[30];
       float high,highMax=0.0, highMin=300;
       float weight,weightMax=0.0, weightMin=400;
       float ideal, idealMax=0.0, idealMin=150;
       char anymore;

       cout <<"Welcome to the C++ Programm. Do you want to\n";
       cout <<"Looking for the Ideal Weight ?\n";
       cout <<"Please Input Your Correct Data below\n";

            cout << endl <<endl;
            cout << "Name      = "; gets (nama);
            cout << "High      = "; cin >> high;
            cout << "Weight    = "; cin >> weight;


            if (high > highMax && weight > weightMax && ideal > idealMax)
                  strcpy (namaMax,nama);
                  highMax = high;
                  weightMax = weight;
                  idealMax = ideal;
            if (high<highMin && weight<weightMin && ideal<idealMin)
                  strcpy (namaMin,nama);
                  highMin = high;
                  weightMin = weight;
                  idealMin = ideal;
       cout <<" Do you have Any Datas ? ";

       cout <<endl;
       cout << endl << "Someone who have a Highest Ideal Weight Score\n"
               << "Name              = " << namaMax << endl
               << "High              = " << highMax << " cm"<<endl
               << "Weight            = " << weightMax <<" Kg"<<endl
               << "Your Ideal Weight  = " <<idealMax<<" Kg"<<endl;

       cout <<endl;
       cout << endl << "Someone who have a Smallest Ideal Weight Score\n"
               << "Name            = " << namaMin << endl
               << "High            = " << highMin <<" cm"<<endl
               << "Weight          = " << weightMin <<" Kg"<< endl
               << "Your Ideal Weight  = " <<idealMin<<" Kg"<<endl;

       cout <<"\nPress Any Key to MAIN MENU";

main() // main program
     char more=' ';
     while (more=='1')
     cout <<               "MAIN MENU\n\n";

     cout <<"Notification:\n";
     cout <<"If You Press [1], You'll enter into a programm ideal-weight.\n";
     cout <<"But If You Press [2],You'll going out from MAIN MENU to Coding.\n\n";
     cout <<"Do you want to see Your Ideal-Weight ? \n\n";

     cout <<"[1]. Yes\n";
     cout <<"[2]. No\n";
     cout <<"Input your choice = "; cin>>more;

     if (more=='1')

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